8:30 a.m. / Arrival and Check In

9:00 a.m. / Welcome and Introductions

  • Eloise Elliott, Chair, WVPAP Coordinating Committee, Director, Center for ActiveWV
  • Clay Marsh, Chancellor and Executive Dean, WVU Health Sciences
  • Autumn Cyprès, Dean, WVU College of Applied Human Sciences
  • Wendy Madden, Field Representative for Senator Joe Manchin

9:20 a.m. /
What is the West Virginia Physical Activity Plan?

The WVPAP Coordinating Committee: Eloise Elliott, Sean Bulger, Emily Murphy, Dina Jones, Christiaan Abildso, Jessica Jones, and Sam Zizzi

9:30 a.m. / Speaker

  • Clay Marsh, Chancellor and Executive Dean, WVU Health Sciences

9:40 a.m. /
Panel Discussion: How can we support active living for all to improve the health of West Virginians through systems and policy changes?


  • Wanda Hembree, Chief Medical Officer, Aetna Better Health of West Virginia
  • Joe Boczek, Founder and Executive Director, Game Changer

Moderator: Sean Bulger

10:00 a.m. / Roundtable 1

10:20 a.m. / Movement Break

10:30 a.m. / Speaker

  • Gayle Manchin, Federal Co-Chair, Appalachian Regional Commission

10:40 a.m. /
Panel Discussion: How can communities establish policy and environment changes for physical activity through collaborative efforts?


  • Ali Jaglowski, Vice President, Center for Advancing Healthy Communities, National Association of Chronic Disease Directors
  • Elizabeth Vitullo, Assistant VP of Economic Innovation at WVU
  • Kent Spellman, Past Executive Director WV Community Development Hub, Board Chair, WV TRAIL

Moderator: Eloise Elliott

11:00 a.m. / Roundtable 2

11:20 a.m. / Speaker 

  • Roger Hanshaw, Speaker of the WV House of Delegates

11:30 a.m. /
Panel Discussion: How can we mobilize a healthy workforce in West Virginia?


  • Sharon Lansdale, Advisor, Rural Health Initiative, CEO Emeritus, The WV Center for Rural Health Development
  • Melanie Seiler, Executive Director, Active Southern West Virginia
  • John Deskins, WVU Assistant Dean, Outreach and Engagement; Director, Bureau of Business and Economic Research

Emily Murphy

11:50 a.m. / Roundtable 3

12:10 p.m. / Working Lunch Break 

1:10 p.m. / Speaker

  • Michele Blatt, WV Superintendent of Schools

1:20 p.m. /
Panel Discussion: How can effective partnerships expand opportunities for our school-age children and youth to be more physically active?


  • Richard Hoke, Public Health Advisor/Project Officer, Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Adolescent and School Health
  • Kristen Dieffenbach, WVU School of Sport Sciences, Director, Center for Applied Coaching and Sport Sciences
  • Cathy McAlister, Executive Director, Highmark WV Charitable Fund for Health, Healthy Schools Grant initiative

Moderator: Jessica Riffee

1:40 p.m. / Roundtable 4

2:00 p.m. / Movement Break

2:10 p.m. / Speaker 

  • Sherri Young, Cabinet Secretary, WV Department of Health

2:20 p.m. /
Panel Discussion: How can we convince West Virginians to be physically active regularly and how can we make physical activity accessible and affordable for all?


  • Alexis Batausa, Director, Williamson Health and Wellness
  • Lesley Cottrell, Director, WVU Center for Excellence in Disabilities
  • J.D. Belcher, Owner, JJN Multimedia

Dina Jones

2:40 p.m. / Roundtable 5

3:00 p.m. / Speaker

  • Danny Twilley, Assistant Vice President of Economic, Community and Asset Development for the Brad and Alys Smith Outdoor Economic Development Collaborative

3:10 p.m. /
Panel Discussion: How can we enhance physical activity participation and economic development through outdoor recreation?


  • Nathan Hilbert, Community Planner, National Park Service
  • Sam England, Executive Director, WV Trail and Recreation Advocacy and Information Link (WV TRAIL)
  • Eric Thompson, Founder and Director, Access on the Go (WV on the Go, Inc)

Moderator: Christiaan Abildso

3:30 p.m. / Roundtable 6

3:50 p.m. / Open Mic for Takeaways and Next Steps

  • The WVPAP Coordinating Committee
  • Opportunity for any attendee to express takeaways and recommend next steps

4:30 p.m. /