Resources and References


There are several publications that support physical activity from key sectors represented in the
West Virginia Physical Activity Plan.

The 2021 Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP) is another statewide plan that complements the West Virginia Physical Activity Plan. SCORP is developed by the West Virginia Development Office every five years. Just as the West Virginia Physical Activity Plan emphasizes collaboration among various sectors, the 2021 SCORP recommends developing closer linkages among economic, cultural, public health, and environmental sectors to develop the state’s recreational resources. SCORP priorities include the acquisition, renovation, and expansion of state or local parks to promote active lifestyles for individuals of all ages and abilities.

Article 1E of West Virginia’s legislation establishes the Healthy West Virginia Program. This initiative aims to improve the health and wellness of residents through various strategies, such as promoting physical activity, healthy eating, and preventive healthcare services. The program also focuses on addressing public health challenges specific to West Virginia, such as obesity, chronic diseases, and substance abuse.

House Bill 4018, Article 5E, pertains to School Shared Use Agreements in West Virginia. This legislation encourages schools to make their facilities available for community use outside of regular school hours. The intent is to foster partnerships between schools and local organizations, thereby enhancing access to recreational and educational resources for residents.

The West Virginia Code §17-4A-1, also known as the Complete Streets Legislation, requires transportation projects to consider the needs of all users by including features like sidewalks, bike lanes, crosswalks, and accessible public transportation options. This approach aims to promote healthier, more sustainable, and more inclusive communities by designing streets that accommodate various modes of transportation.

National Resources

There are a number of other national resources that inform physical activity program development, implementation, and evaluation at both the state and local levels:

National Physical Activity Plan

The National Physical Activity Plan (NPAP) is a comprehensive document designed to improve physical activity levels and promote a healthier nation by engaging stakeholders from diverse sectors. Through evidence-based strategies and tactics, the NPAP seeks to create environments and opportunities that support and encourage regular physical activity for people of all ages and abilities, ultimately aiming to reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases and enhance overall wellbeing nationwide. 

Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (2nd Edition)

The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans (2nd Edition) provide evidence-based recommendations to guide individuals of all ages and abilities in maintaining or improving their health through regular physical activity. The 2nd edition was published in 2018, ten years after the first.

It’s Time to Move

The Physical Activity Alliance’s “It’s Time to Move” campaign is a 5-point plan aimed at integrating physical activity into the nation’s healthcare system.

Healthy People 2030

This document from the US Department of Health and Human Services includes science-based national goals that Americans should strive to achieve over the next ten years. The physical activity area contains an overview of physical activity, the 2030 objectives, and evidence-based information and recommendations (clinical, community, consumer) related to physical activity.

Active People, Healthy Nation

The Active People, Healthy Nation movement, spearheaded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is a multifaceted national initiative that encompasses a wide array of strategies and interventions aimed at elevating physical activity levels and fostering holistic health and wellbeing among individuals and communities throughout the United States.

Step It Up! The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities

“Step It Up! The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities” is a comprehensive document that outlines strategies and recommendations for increasing walking and creating pedestrian-friendly communities to improve public health and well-being.

Physical Activity Recommendations for Children and Adolescents: More Important Than Ever

The document “Physical Activity Recommendations for Children and Adolescents: More Important Than Ever” emphasizes the pivotal role of consistent physical activity in enhancing the health, development, and overall well-being of children and adolescents. It additionally highlights the relevance of prioritizing physical activity promotion, especially in light of modern-day challenges.

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