
Be Healthy WV Project Spotlight: City of Welch Pickleball Courts

This is a group of people playing pickleball.

We’re working with the City of Welch and The Community Crossing, Inc. to change one tennis court that is rarely used into three pickleball courts. The sport of pickleball is quickly growing and becoming more popular; it’s a great way for people to become more physically active.

The History of Pickleball

If your kids were bored out of their minds one summer day, would you invent a new game specifically to keep them entertained? That’s exactly what Joel Pritchard, Bill Bell, and Barney McCallum from Bainbridge Island, Washington did! In 1965, these three dads collaborated to create the family-friendly game we now know as pickleball. What started as a backyard invention with handmade equipment and simple rules has evolved into the popular sport we know and love today.

This is a group of people playing pickleball.
This is a row of pickleball paddles.

What are the Basics of Pickleball?

Pickleball is the perfect sport for all ages and skill levels. Think of pickleball as a combination of three already well-known sports: tennis, badminton, and ping pong. Pickleball is played on a badminton sized court with a tennis style net, a square paddle, and a plastic ball with holes similar to a whiffle ball.

The rules of pickleball are pretty straightforward, making it easy to pick up if you’re new to the sport! It can be played as doubles or singles, but playing as doubles is most common. Games are normally played to 11 points, and points are only scored by the serving team. The rules of pickleball are very similar to the rules of badminton. The USA Pickleball website has a complete breakdown of the rules, but a great way to learn is to set up a game with people who know how to play!

Pickleball is a great way to stay fit and active – it works your cardiovascular system as well as keeping your joints healthy! And despite the entertaining name and simple rules, people are known to get pretty competitive when playing. Ready to take a whack at it? Pickleball is an easily accessible sport for all ages and skill levels; it’s low cost to play and equipment is often provided at the courts. Get in touch with your local municipality to see if your area has pickleball courts or community teams that play together!

Jason Grubb with the City of Welch says that the community is hoping to host pickleball tournaments at the newly renovated courts in the future, drawing people from out of town to the local area which will boost the local economy.

These three pickleball courts will give the community a place to gather and socialize while staying active. We’re excited to see how this project helps transform the community in Welch! Follow along on our social media for more updates as this project progresses.