Success Story: Mountain Valley Elementary Recognized for Outstanding Wellness Initiatives
Mountain Valley Elementary School has been recognized for its dedication to wellness initiatives, receiving the Mountaineers Helping Mountaineers award.
At Bluefield High School, students are stepping up to a healthier future with the help of pedometers. Thanks to WV Healthy Schools in Action grant, Bluefield’s Physical Education program has received a set of pedometers that are already making a difference in student engagement, activity levels, and overall wellness.
The PE teachers at Bluefield wanted to find an effective way to encourage students to stay active throughout the day, not just during PE class. With the pedometers, students now have a clear, visual way to track their steps and understand how small daily choices, like taking the stairs or walking with friends at lunch, contribute to their health goals. The devices have sparked a competitive and collaborative spirit, with students challenging each other to reach the recommended 10,000 steps daily.
Physical education teacher Mr. Reddmond shares, “Before we introduced the pedometers, we noticed some students were hesitant to engage in certain activities, especially those that didn’t feel directly like exercise. Now, they’re excited to see their steps adding up. The pedometers are helping them connect the dots between everyday movement and physical fitness.”
One freshman, commented, “I didn’t realize how many steps I take just by moving around between classes. Now, I try to take extra steps whenever I can and beat the day before. It’s fun to see my progress!”
As part of the initiative, Bluefield High is working on launching an after-school walking program for their staff.
The WV Healthy Schools in Action grant has had a ripple effect, enhanced not only students’ health but also fostering a supportive environment where activity and fitness are celebrated. The Bluefield High School community is proud of the positive changes they see in their students, and they’re excited to continue this journey toward healthier lives, one step at a time.
Mountain Valley Elementary School has been recognized for its dedication to wellness initiatives, receiving the Mountaineers Helping Mountaineers award.
By leveraging the School Health Index (SHI), Princeton Primary has made significant strides in assessing and enhancing the well-being of students, staff, and the greater school community.
At Bluefield High School, students are stepping up to a healthier future with the help of pedometers.
Improving the culture of physical activity in our state by providing awareness, education, guidance, and opportunities.
Center for ActiveWV: [email protected]
WV Physical Activity Plan: [email protected]
WV CARDIAC Project: [email protected]
Be Healthy Project: [email protected]
WV Healthy Schools in Action: [email protected]
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