Success Story: Mountain Valley Elementary Recognized for Outstanding Wellness Initiatives
Mountain Valley Elementary School has been recognized for its dedication to wellness initiatives, receiving the Mountaineers Helping Mountaineers award.
At Princeton Primary, the dedication to fostering a healthier school environment is evident through the proactive efforts of the Wellness Team, led by School Nurse Tonya Osborne. By leveraging the School Health Index (SHI), the team has made significant strides in assessing and enhancing the well-being of students, staff, and the greater school community.
“The SHI enabled our school Wellness Council to evaluate our strengths and weaknesses and helped us develop avenues to build on our strengths and begin correcting our weaknesses,” shared Osborne.
The SHI served as a valuable tool in identifying critical areas for improvement. For instance, the assessment revealed the need for greater family and community involvement. This realization spurred the team to explore creative ways to strengthen community partnerships and host activities that actively engage families in the school’s wellness initiatives.
Additionally, the SHI highlighted a significant gap in employee health and wellness programs. With this insight, the team prioritized developing and implementing targeted programs and activities aimed at improving staff well-being—a vital component of creating a thriving school environment.
By embracing the SHI, Princeton Primary School has turned evaluation into action, paving the way for a more inclusive, supportive, and healthier school culture.
Mountain Valley Elementary School has been recognized for its dedication to wellness initiatives, receiving the Mountaineers Helping Mountaineers award.
By leveraging the School Health Index (SHI), Princeton Primary has made significant strides in assessing and enhancing the well-being of students, staff, and the greater school community.
At Bluefield High School, students are stepping up to a healthier future with the help of pedometers.
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